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The Blueprint, Thy Kingdom Come Revival Fort Lauderdale, FL

Updated: Apr 29

Just recently, Covenant of Christ Mens Ministry held their second revival this year in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The first night of the revival, Night of Prayer & Worship, was held on March 22nd, followed by The Blue Print held on March 23rd. Both nights were open to the public.

The first night, Night of Prayer and Worship, was conducted by COCMM leadership. The Spirit of the Lord moved mightily through the sanctuary. The presence of the Lord was definitely present in the atmosphere. Then Timothy Marshall sung a heartfelt song, "I Need Thee". His voice shifted the climate in the sanctuary and penetrated the hearts in the room.

The next night, Bishop-Elect Brandyn Knight preached a direct and clear message of repentance, idol worship, and self denial. In his sermon, he spoke about having a firm foundation and denying yourself of worldly pleasures. The book that he read from was 2nd Kings, chapter 12. In this chapter it talks about repentance and turning from wicked ways. He stated the main subject in his sermon. "The Blueprint is the originial design that God created before this world. He also stated that Jesus is the Blueprint.

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